Client Testimonials
“I have been working with Julie, better yet Julie has been working with/on me for the past 3-4 months and has been a God Send! She has helped with my health in such a tremendous way. Sadly I have had many issues from a life long unpleasant odor, to gut issues and constant migraines. I had suffered with all since a young age. Until now I had not known what it’s like to be headache free. No doctor or medication has ever really helped me. I am happy to say, I do not take any medications, for me ONLY all natural supplements and nutrients suggested by Julie! She has even helped me with my monthly menstrual! Julie also helps release those trapped emotions we all carry. I, myself am an empath, which Julie has also helped in guiding me to have a better understanding. Finding Julie and working with her has been the blessing I’ve always needed! Thank You, Julie Wasmer!!! You are a Beautiful Being! Love all the knowledge you bring!” ~ Maddie

“Julie has personally worked with me for several years regarding grief after losing my son suddenly, and the aftermath of emotions that followed that loss. She validates my feelings while working through trapped traumas held within my physical body. She clears the negative energy that remains and gives me guidance and suggestions to keep positive while continuing to process my emotions. Julie can also pinpoint the years that these beliefs took root. We are able to identify false beliefs that took hold and became trapped in my cells that affected my whole well-being mentally and physically. I am stronger and more open to so much more possibilities that exist to heal myself which in turn benefits others around my energy. I am grateful and now hold a strong belief in the power of energy clearing and healing. Thank you Julie for this gift and hope. You are loved admired and cherished.” ~ Kelly
“There’s a sense of peace that you get from every single session. I remember my very first session with Julie. I felt like a weight was lifted off my being. I was so excited and in disbelief of this feeling that I immediately called my best friend and told her all about it. It was indescribable but I felt so light, refreshed and so much peace; calm. I highly recommend a session with Julie to identify and clear heart walls. I had quite a few emotions to work through with her and once they were cleared I felt so open to new connections and I didn’t feel all the pain I’d been carrying with me for so long. Thank you Julie for the work that you do to help people heal from things they don’t even know they’re carrying with them.” ~ Paula

“Julie has a healing presence. She’s helped me with baggage from childhood and advices me what food my body needs to heal. Love her! She’s intuitive and compassionate!” ~ Latifeh

“Julie is an intuitive healer. She is able to tune into my well-being virtually and tap into what needs attention. I have felt pain in my body and tense muscles in my stomach completely relax after one treatment with her. I have been able to work through childhood trauma without revisiting the emotional pain. Julie has a gentle tone and compassionate voice. I always feel comfortable, safe and supported. I am very thankful for the Emotion Code and Body Code healing modalities and for Julie’s work.” ~ Lindsay
“Julie has personally helped me on a weekly basis overcome many hurdles
I face as a special needs adult. She has provided me emotional support as well as profound healing with consistency and devotion to my well-being, mind, body, spirit and soul Love, ASHLYN”

Julie is truly amazing. I had seen many therapists and nothing helped me until I met her. She has healed me in a way I can’t explain. If I could give her a 10 star review I would. ” ~ Virginia